We recently made the conscious decision to start installing Orisec products due to the advantages with remote management and ability to access programming via a laptop. We also found dealing with a UK based company much easier when it comes to stock and branding as it is all handled in the UK. We’ve had a few customers over the last few months enquiring about fog generators.
After speaking with Orisec and Dean from Density we were confident that this solution would fit the customers’ needs. We received excellent advice along with a full demonstration of the product which really helped us feel confident quoting the customer.
“The Density 900 Fog Generator completely filled the room with total coverage of the valuables in the customer’s stock room.”
The customer had chosen to install the system following a robbery and this will now mean if they have another break in the police should be onsite before anything is taken. The integration between Orisec and Density allowed us to quickly deploy with full control via the UDL for remote configuration.
The ability to connect the alarm and Density via the RS232 Coms lead made wiring and setup very straightforward. “We also like the ability to configure everything from the Orisec UDL remotely, this was by far the biggest advantage over any other product on the market.”
We will continue to work with Orisec as our go to supplier for alarm system and when the need arises we will offer commercial customers Density fog generators.
As a small business we appreciate all the support and speed of service from all the team at Orisec. Michael Lawrence has been excellent at providing regular meetings at our office to run through product demonstration along with always being available to support us.

About Greenpoint Security
Greenpoint Security have been trading since 2018 offering security and network services to residential and commercial customers. We strive to offer the most advanced security options available on the market with smart integration to simplify our customers security risk. We specialise in intruder alarms, CCTV, access control and network installation.